We went Ziplining!!!!!!!
My mom is scared of heights, and made it through the first three! She got off after that,but I am still proud. :)
So, ziplining was awesome, but I need to work on stopping... I almost took out the guides. Poor guy.
So much fun.
I chickened out on the free fall repel, going backwards..... I have a fear of falling backwards... so I stayed going forward. I think a redo is in order.
Fear: my mom faced a HUGE fear of hers today, took a step out, and finished a few of the ziplines. After though, it got to her and she opted out. Now though, she is as determined as ever to get this down, and I believe that she will. She tells me though, that she feels embarrassed and ashamed, and those are totally valid, and recognizable feelings. In reality though, she has no logical grounding to feel that. She has a real phobia of heights, and she gave it a try. That takes A LOT of energy, physical and emotional.
To share a bit, I told her that on many hikes, I am so nervous, I cannot wait to get off the mountain. I have a fear of slipping and falling off edges. I get vertigo easily, and when you are looking at the world from the top of a mountain, vertigo comes too naturally. In hiking Mt Baldy, there was even a point where I was so scared, I was ready to turn around. Same in Mt Baden Powell, when we came across a ledge covered in ice. I freaking cried and really became paralyzed. It's a terrible, and seemingly hopeless feeling, because you are racking your brain trying to find a way out of a situation that you have put yourself in, and that requires you to only move forward. It's like when you climb up something, forgetting that coming down is scarier... and you have to get down.
So, good job Mom. Love you!
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